Last year I was scrolling through one of the many photography groups that I belong to and came across an interesting post. In it the photographer talked about having a "photography session bucket list". Basically she came up with different sessions that she hoped to one day photograph. Some were generic (like a session with a waterfall) while others were very specific (like a surprise engagement at Disney World). I decided to dig a little deeper and found out this was a very common thing that many photographers were hosting. The idea was that if you had one of these sessions you were planning, and booked a photographer with that on their "bucket list" you would be entitled to some sort of credit or discount on your session. I thought that was a really cool idea, and decided to come up with my own photography session "bucket list".
So effective June 2019, if you are planning one of these sessions (or interested in one) please contact us to discuss. Sessions may be discounted, be given extra digital files/print credits or in some cases the fees may be waived entirely! But there is a catch, once the session has been crossed off, it's gone for good.
Without further adieu...here is SBS Photography's Session Bucket List
Family and Children's Portrait Sessions
Breakfast at Tiffany's Themed Session
Our First Home Session
Country Fair Portrait Session
Glitter Session
Color Wars Session
Trampoline Park Session
En Pointe Ballet Session
Maternity Sessions
Milk Bath Maternity Session
Adoption/Surrogacy Story
Rainbow Maternity Session (I would love to do this with 7 moms-to-be and follow up with the babies one year later)
Newborn Sessions
Session with a Movie Theme
Milk Bath Newborn Session
Birth Story
A Set of Multiples (Twins or Triplets)
Puppy Newborn Session
Outdoor Newborn Session (probably best in the Summer since we do live in New England)
Session incorporating Mom's wedding dress
Engagement and Couples Session
A Surprise Proposal
A Session with a Movie Theme
A Country Fair Session
A Romantic Rain Shot
A Session on the Brooklyn Bridge
A Hot Air Balloon Session
Color Wars Session
NYC Proposal at Christmas Time
Smoke Bomb Session
Wedding, Anniversary and Bridal Portrait Sessions
A Trash the Dress Session
A Styled Wedding Session
"Day After" the Wedding Session
A Beach Elopment
A Surprise Wedding for your Guests
Sparkler Send Off
Small Intimate Wedding (less than 25 guests)
Courthouse Wedding
Do you have a creative idea you think should be on my bucket list? Pitch it to me! I may add it just for you!